
  • Fill in the answers to the questions below.
  • First, we approve your application, and then invite you by email to make payment.
    Payment can be made online, by cheque, or in Delhi by cash.
    We ask for full payment at the time we approve your application.

    We can confirm your space only after we have approved your application and have received payment. 

    Payments can also be made by cheque/bank draft to “Ananda Sangha Trust-Delhi Center”or in Delhi by cash.
    Courier to Keshava Taylor, Ananda Sangha, N-100, Panchsheel Park North, Outer Ring Road, New Delhi 110017. Ph. 9899200605

  • Spaces are limited.

  • In case of cancellation, ₹ 3000 of the fee is non-refundable. Cancellation close to the date of departure may incur additional costs.

Please answer the following:

    Select Pilgrimage you wish to join

    Full Name (required)
    Name I wish to be called if different than above
    Age (required)

    Postal Address (required)

    City (required)

    Mobile (required)

    Email (required)

    PAN Number (required)

    Name and phone of a person not travelling with you, to contact in case of emergency
    Name (required)
    Phone Number of emergency contact (required)

    I prefer :

    I wish to share a room with:
    If you don’t have a roommate, we’ll try to connect you with another single pilgrim. If a suitable roommate can’t be found, you’ll need to pay for single occupancy. If you snore, we ask you to stay with someone you know well or pay for single occupancy.

    Do you have a medical condition that could limit your participation? (e.g., knowing you have difficulty with stairs would help us choose the best hotel room for you.)
    More details

    What has inspired you to consider this pilgrimage?

    Have you attended other Ananda programmes?

    Have you read books by Paramhansa Yogananda or Swami Kriyananda?

    Do you practice meditation?

    What kind of meditation do you practice?
    What I've learned from Ananda SanghaI am a KriyabanOther Meditation

    Comments or Questions? Please write below.


    I understand that the pilgrimage leaders from Ananda Sangha Trust are acting as the tour coordinators only. They are not responsible for any inconvenience or errors caused by our service providers, such as airlines, Indian railways, the resort, and other tour guides, traffic delays, etc. They are not responsible for any loss of personal property, injury, or accidents during the pilgrimage.

    I have read and understand the terms and conditions stated.

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